From the beginning, we were created by God to live together and steward a garden. We were ordained by Him to work by the sweat of our brow to cultivate our daily bread. This is how thriving humans have lived for millennia. Quality living and healthy food will help promote resilient bodies and less disease; a living example of man interacting with creation in the way God intended so that we might flourish and grow.
Our family lives and farms with the goal of not only sustaining but improving and restoring the land we live and grow on while glorifying God, our Creator, in all we do. Sustainably growing organic foods and living a way of life and labor that helps to heal and nourish ourselves, our friends, our community, and the land is very important to us.
We put every ounce of our heart and soul into the work we do because at the end of the day it is the only path that has ever made any sense to us. We were given so much to get here and that can only be honored by sharing it with those around us. Our way of giving back to God is to take what we have been blessed with and to plant and tend it in ways that are true and pure and to lovingly provide for our neighbor. We feel so grateful to God that He has blessed us to do this work. Thank you for all the support and prayers along the way!
“Know your farmer, know your food.”